Anna Konstorum

Research Data Scientist


My background is highly interdiscplinary, which has served me well in the projects I work on.  I have a B.Sc. in Biology from McGill University, an M.S. in Physiological Sciences (with a focus on Bioinformatics) from UCLA, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from UC Irvine, where I completed my thesis on modeling tumor growth in microenvironment with Professor John Lowengrub.

I have a long-standing interest in exploring new ways to use mathematics to explain and model our world.  My current focus has been in developing and applying linear and multi-linear dimension reduction techniques to identify low-dimensional patterns in data.

I'm also passionate about improving the culture for under-represented groups in mathematics education and professional pursuits.  I'm a member of the Society for Mathematical Biology DEI Committee, where we work to recruit and support underserved groups in mathematical biology.

I was honored to have my story recently featured by the Her Maths Story project.

Select Publications

A. Konstorum, S. Mohanty, Y. Zhao, A. Melillo, B. Vander Wyk, A. Nelson, S. Tsang, T. Blevins, R. Belshe, D. G. Chawla, M. Rondina, Ruth R. Montgomery, H. Allore, S. Kleinstein,  A. Shaw (2022) Platelet response to influenza vaccination reflects effects of aging.  Aging Cell.

A. Konstorum, L. Tesfay, B. Paul, F. Torti, R. Laubenbacher, S. Torti. (2020) Systems Biology of Ferroptosis: A Modeling Approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology.

A. Konstorum, M. Lynch, S. Torti, F. Torti, R. Laubenbacher. (2018) A Systems Biology Approach to Understanding the Pathophysiology of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer: Focus on Iron and Fatty Acid Metabolism. Omics : a Journal of Integrative Biology.

A. Konstorum, and J. Lowengrub (2018). Activation of the HGF/c-Met Axis in the Tumor Microenvironment: A Multispecies Model. Journal of Theoretical Biology.

A. Konstorum, T. Hillen, J. Lowengrub (2016) Feedback Regulation in a Cancer Stem Cell Model Can Cause an Allee Effect. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.  


M. Mattessich, J. Reyna, E. Aron, A. Konstorum (2023) nipalsMCIA: Discovering shared and data-specific signals using joint dimensionality reduction (v0.99.5).